• Inspirational Messages
    Success Quotes

    Achieving success in life doesn’t just happen—it takes time, hard work, and incredible motivation. These quotes will help you stay motivated so you can stay on track to achieve your goals!

  • Create Your Yes book

    “The power to create belongs to each of us.”

    “When you hear no, it’s rarely personal – don’t take it that way. Rejection is a tool that teaches us, guides us, and sometimes redirects us to a path more aligned with our passion.”

    “Creating your yes is about living your best life.”

    “Stop waiting for the phone to ring with your next opportunity.”

    “To create means to bring into existence or to produce something that would not naturally evolve.”

    “There is no precise road map to success, but you can be 100% confident that rejection will undoubtedly find a path to you. Just don’t let it block the intersection of your dreams taking flight.”

    —From the inspirational book Create Your Yes! by Angela Marie Hutchinson.

  • The Unconventionals Book

    “We want meaning in our work as employees, and we want a story we can believe in as consumers.”

    “Change captures imaginations and shifts behavior.”

    “The most successful companies...use their brands to shift the market in a way that makes life better for buyers and favors what they do best.”

    “People like brands with a bigger change mission, and they want that mission to be more than words.”

    “You possess the power to be courageously curious. So think for yourself. Explore. Imagine. Be Unconventional.”

    —From the inspirational book The Unconventionals by Mike O'Toole & Hugh Kennedy.

  • Revolutionize Teamwork book

    “A shared fate is the engine of every team. Without it, no team will function under pressure, and its members have little to no chance of ever being an accountable team.”

    “Trust is the foundation of all teams.”

    “What makes a team accountable is that they choose to work together on the issues that are getting in the way of them delivering on the desired results.”

    —From the inspirational book Revolutionize Teamwork by Eric Coryell.

  • The 5 Essential Principles of Think and Grow Rich book

    “All achievement, all earned riches, have their beginning in an idea.”

    “Those who are afraid of new ideas are doomed before they start.”

    “Our only limitations are those we set up in our own minds.”

    “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve with positive mental attitude.”

    “We are the masters of our fate, the captains of our souls, because we have the power to control our thoughts.”

    “Most people have achieved their greatest success just one step behind their greatest failure.”

    —From the inspirational book The 5 Essential Principles of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

  • Simple Truths of Service book

    “The one thing your competition can't take away from you is the relationship your people have with your customers.”

    “Great service is not an accident. It starts with a clear vision around the kind of experience you want your customers to have.”

    “Truly great service will bring customers back again and again.”

    “Great service comes from the heart.”

    “Profit is the applause you get for taking care of your customers and creating a motivating environment for your people.”

    —From the inspirational book The Simple Truths of Service by Ken Blanchard and Barbara Glanz.

  • 88 Days to Any Goal book

    “The honor is in finding something worthwhile and fully committing to whatever you've chosen to pursue - win or lose.”

    “Winning is a habit. So is losing. Winners don't make a habit of losing.”

    “Do not wait for Monday. Do not wait for the first of the month. Do not wait for January 1. Start now.”

    “It's time to give yourself permission to be everything you were meant to be.”

    “Goal setting that focuses on outcome instead of process and behavior is why people lose.”

    —From the inspirational book 88 Days to Any Goal by Dr. Rollan Roberts.

  • How Rich People Think

    “A wise man should have money in his head, but not in his heart.” -Johnathan Swift

    “The only thing that money gives you is the freedom of not worrying about money.” -Johnny Carson

    “Wealth flows from energy and ideas.” -William Feather “Every person who gets rich by creation opens a way for thousands to follow - and inspires them to do so.” -Wallace D. Wattles

    “There is no dignity quite so impressive, and no independence quite so important, as living within your means.” -Calvin Coolidge

    “Wealth is largely a result of habit.” -John Jacob Astor

    —From the inspirational book How Rich People Think by Steve Siebold.

  • The Neuroscience of Selling book

    “The most effective salespeople use both the art and the science behind sales to close deals much faster.”

    “Many salespeople think the only necessary requirement to get the sale is to offer great products and services...but that is not enough. You must also have a great relationship with the buyer.”

    “The best salespeople are not the great talkers - they are the great listeners.”

    —From the inspirational book The Neuroscience of Selling by John Asher.

  • 10 Simple Secrets of the World’s Greatest Business Communicators

    “You cannot inspire unless you're inspired yourself.”

    “People crave direction, and they're more than willing to take the road less traveled as long as they know why they're taking that road.”

    “Leaders on the front lines of any industry must strive for simplicity and clarity if they hope to inspire and motivate employees, customers, or shareholders.”

    “It's our fear of extinction, our fear of elimination, our fear of not being important that leads us to communicate things in a more complex way than we need to.”

    “[When speaking] your voice should rise and fall, curve, twist, and turn. It'll mesmerize your listeners and leave them with a sense of awe.”

    “When you change the way you see yourself as a speaker, the speaker your audience sees will change.”

    —From the inspirational book 10 Simple Secrets of the World’s Greatest Business Communicators by Carmine Gallo.

  • The Energy Clock

    “If we don't decide what is most important to us, the world will decide for us.” -Molly Fletcher

    “Make everyday your masterpiece.“ -John Wooden

    ”There's no better decision than to align your energy with your present moment. It's the only moment any of us have.” -Molly Fletcher

    “Speak to yourself like you would speak to someone you loved and respected.” -Molly Fletcher

    “Begin with the end in mind.“ -Stephen Covey

    “Great systems are actually great habits. A system doesn't just solve a problem. It keeps a good habit going.” -Molly Fletcher

    “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” -Dan Millman

    —From the inspirational book The Energy Clock by Molly Fletcher.

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