Tornadoes and Emergencies help you Realize: Every Day is a Gift

June 25, 2010

Earlier this week we had some very windy weather. As I rushed down to the basement floor from my top floor office suite, I could hear the tornado warnings blaring outside. Right before I headed downstairs, I searched my bookshelf for something that would take my mind off of the weather outside and keep me entertained while I sat out the storm. I chose Every Day is a Gift, and rushed out of my office.

As I sat in the corner of the basement break room, I started reading a chapter called, "Someday Isle". It really touched me, and I'll explain why. First, though, here's the chapter from Barry Gottlieb's book Every Day is a Gift:

I have often heard it said that one of life's greatest tragedies is when someone dies at a young age. I believe an even greater tragedy would be to live to one hundred, without ever having really lived. Someday Isle is well known to most people. It is a place that we dream of and talk about, but where we never seem to arrive. Someday Isle is all of those things we wanted to do in our lives; all those places we wanted to visit; all those things we wanted to have. But we put them off because of "Someday I'll." Someday I'll try whitewater rafting ... Someday I'll finish school ... Someday I'll move out of this neighborhood ... Someday I'll have a family ... Someday I'll be somebody. Think about it. What have you been putting off doing that you have always wanted to do, to have, to be? Ask yourself, what is keeping you from doing these things? Do you have limiting beliefs or fears? Are these limiting beliefs or fears real, or are they just excuses? What if you didn?t have any excuses? What would you do? I am aware of terminally ill cancer patients that have formed "Adventure Clubs." These patients have been told they are going to die, some in a few months, others in several months, and a lucky few within the next 2-5 years. These patients started adventure clubs to seek out and do everything they were afraid to do when they were "well." They went white water rafting, sky diving, rode roller coasters and ate spicy foods they never tried before. They visited places they always wanted to see, but never made time for. They simply made the best out of every day they had left, without fear or limiting beliefs. They would tell their loved ones they loved them, every day. They didn't hold back! You already know this, but chances are you may have lost sight of it. Nobody is promised tomorrow. We are all going to die one day. You don't need to have a terminal illness to decide you want to live each and every day to the fullest. YOU have that choice today. You always have!

As I sat in the basement hearing the wind howl, I thought of what I would regret if that was my last day on Earth. A lot of "Someday I'll" things that I thought about - travel the globe, digitally record my Dad's stories, learn cooking secrets from my Mom, read the books I've been meaning to read - had potential to become "I never ended up doings".

As the sirens quieted, the wind died down, and we all emerged from our hiding places, I had a renewed interest in turning "Someday Isle" things into "I Did" things.

So, what is on your bucket list? What are some things that you have done that have fulfilled you?

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