The Most Depressing Day of the Year?

January 25, 2010

macanderson"It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters."


According to a formula calculated by Dr. Cliff Arnall, a researcher at Cardiff University, today is the "most depressing day of the year". Commonly referred to as Blue Monday, Dr. Arnall based his calculation on six factors: weather conditions , debt level and our ability to pay that debt, time elapsed since Christmas, time elapsed since failing our New Years resolutions, our general seasonal motivational levels, and our need to take action and to have something to which we can look forward. While I respect Dr. Arnall and his work, I also know this...we shouldn't let our outside circumstances dictate our attitude!

That's why this week our blog will give you a shot of optimism right when you need it. We have a guest author, a movie, and other messages that I guarantee will make the week of Blue Monday a little less blue for you. Now, I'm not sure if you are feeling down around this time of year, but I know that, for me, this season can be a challenge. A lot of folks think that because I founded Simple Truths and Successories, I couldn't possibly have a negative thought. Truth be told, one of the main reasons I started both companies is that I needed continuous reinforcement in my life when it comes to attitude, goals, and values.

Today, prepare yourself for a challenging week, but also be prepared for some encouraging words from me and your friends at Simple Truths! To paraphrase Epictetus, you can't skip Blue Monday... but you can do everything in your power to have a positive attitude.

To Life,

Mac Anderson

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