Posts tagged 'create your yes'

Dreams Don’t Happen; Dreams Are Made

August 6, 2019

How many times have you heard no? According to Forbes, 92% of people fail to reach their goals. This means that at some point, we all try and fail. However, rather than accept defeat, you can make your dreams a reality by pushing forward through rejection. Doing this requires transforming your mindset and igniting your passion. Don’t wait for your dreams to come true – make them happen!

The 12-steps from Create Your Yes! can lead you to the path of success. Here are four of them to help get you started:

1. Make Progress Your Primary Target
A Columbia Business School study showed that people tend to work harder when they are closer to their goals. This means that in order to accomplish the big wins, you need daily wins to help push you towards your goal.

Action: Write down daily or weekly goals that are within your control to accomplish. Focus on making progress and you will reach your milestones.

2. Determine Cheetah Goals vs. Gazelle Goals
As you work on making your goals a reality, there generally comes a time when you find yourself making no progress, no matter how hard you try. When you make it to this point, you need to stop and rethink your strategy by determining whether you need speed, like a cheetah, or stamina, like a gazelle.

Action: Ask yourself what your ultimate objective is and what is required to make it happen. Creating a new blog post each week is a cheetah goal, requiring speed, while making a business plan from scratch is a gazelle goal that needs time and persistence.

3. Create the Way to Make It Happen
Following the status quo keeps things comfortable, but prevents growth and change. So to make things happen, you need to push past "business as usual".

Action: When taking on a rejected goal or unfinished task, erase what you know and instead focus on your instincts. What direction is your gut telling you to take? Then, explore and pursue innovation solutions - that includes giving yourself permission to try the impossible.

4. Bulletproof Your Mind
According to the Mayo Clinic, there are many benefits to thinking positively, including greater achievement, higher persistence, better psychological and physical well-being and lower stress levels. Changing your mindset from a scarcity mindset ("it's never enough") to an abundance mindset ("there are possibilities everywhere") will allow you to see meaning in both your life goals and everyday tasks.

Action: Think about a current goal. Is it built on integrity, creativity and enthusiasm? If not, what can you do to change this?

For the rest of the 12 steps to success, check out Create Your Yes!>>

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