Show your loved ones you appreciate them

October 12, 2007

Zenhabits just posted a great list of 30 frugal gift ideas to show you appreciate someone. It's easy to take the people you care about for granted. You see them every day. You know their habits, their quirks, their idiosyncrasies. It's amazing how much a small gift or complement can do to brighten someone's day. Here's a sampling:

  • Frame a picture of you with them.
  • An "I appreciate you because" jar. Fill a nice jar with slips of different colored paper, each with a reason you appreciate (or love) someone.
  • Create your own art (and put it on nice stationery or in a frame). By "art", I mean a sketch, painting, poem, short story, whatever.
  • A nice journal can be beautiful. It's one of my favorite gifts.

To inspire you even further. I wanted to give you blog readers a special preview of our new movie, The Simple Truths of Appreciation. We're not officially announcing until Tuesday, but you can see it here.

Simple Truths of Appreciation Movie

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