Mondays With Mac: Use Emotional Triggers

April 22, 2008

What is an "emotional trigger?" Simply put, it's a deliberate act that can stir your emotions and change the way you feel. It can be a very powerful and effective technique if you understand how and when to use it.

Different triggers will work for different people. Your main trigger might be a love letter from your spouse, a card from your child, or a passage from your favorite book. Your triggers are personal, as unique as you are.

One of my most powerful triggers is music...words and sounds that speak to my soul and affect the way I feel. I've created a special tape that I use if I sense my attitude heading in the wrong direction. On this tape are three songs, and each has a very personal meaning. I'll get in the car, put in the tape, turn it up as loud as my eardrums can manage, and then...sing along. And by the way, even if you can't sing (and I definitely can't), singing along is key, because hearing and expressing the words has a "double barrel" effect on attitude.

Try it. Make your own personal tape or CD to stir your soul when stirring is needed. Here's one important key, however...use it sparingly, only when you need it, or it will lose its effect.

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