Monday Gets Fun

September 13, 2021

When did everything get so serious? Seriously. Sure, we get it. We all have responsibilities—there’s homework to do, deadlines to meet, errands to run, chores to finish, bills to pay, exercise to get in. But we can’t let all this keep us from enjoying life. We’re allowed to have a little bit of fun. So we have two options to consider, and frankly, we think they are both good ones.

First, we can switch up our mindsets and choose to find more fun in our responsibilities. Instead of thinking, “Ugh, I need to go to the gym,” how about saying, “I love going for a run because I get to be outside, see people and nature, and feel great when I’m finished”? See, exercise just got a whole lot more appealing.

The second option is about carving out space for adding new and fun experiences to your life. Think you and your family can find a few extra minutes for something fun? Are you already smiling just thinking about it? That’s how powerful and important having fun truly is. Fun matters.

Try This: Family game nights are a must for every family. Put them on the calendar, and never miss one. Each game night, ask one another, “Can you play today?” Then plan something fun together and play. Doesn’t get any easier than this.


- Matthew Emerzian, author of Every Monday Matters for Families

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