Kelly Olexa: Motivation is a Choice!

February 19, 2010

I met Kelly Olexa when we spoke at a social media conference. I was impressed by her success in social media, her outgoing personality, and her creatively unique style. Her dedication to motivating others to their peak level of performance (physically, socially, and otherwise), however, was what convinced me that she was one of a kind!

That's why I was ecstatic when Kelly agreed to write a special post for our blog. If you enjoy this, check out her website:

Motivation is a choice.

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The #1 question I hear from my readers or from friends and colleagues, even family members is always about motivation. "How do you get motivated, Kelly?", or "How do you STAY motivated?" It is also the #1 excuse I hear for not starting a workout program or sticking to one.

My original motivation to start working out was likely similar to most. I had gained a LOT of weight during college after moving to Florida, the land of sweet tea and lots of carbs! I discovered very quickly that my motivation would sometimes be lacking. Even now, I have many days where I just "don't feel like it" when it comes to my workouts. But, at that moment, I choose to change my attitude and create my own motivation.

It is crucial for all of us to realize that motivation is a CHOICE. It is entirely up to US to motivate ourselves to do what it takes to reach our goals. Once you realize that your success or failure is entirely in YOUR hands, it should become easier to stop the excuses and start doing the work required to reach your goal.

If you find yourself saying, "I just can't seem to get motivated!" or "I want to work out but I'm just not motivated." – do you realize how these statements suggest that the motivation factor is out of your control? It is as if motivation was a jar of pills sitting in your cabinet and someone stole it, so BAM, you don't have motivation anymore. So, obviously, you can't work out, right? Wrong.

You have everything it takes to get motivated. Everything you need is in your mind, and you alone can influence that feeling of motivation. Start to look at motivation as a perpetual conversation with yourself. Seriously! Once you understand that there WILL be rough days, days when you are tired or upset, or stressed out, then you can anticipate that the "motivation conversation" is going to arise. When you are aware of these outside factors trying to impede your progress, you can address them head-on. Start to think about all of these conditions as the enemy that needs to be conquered. Each time the thoughts enter your head of "I'm so tired….I'm going to skip that gym class tonight.", immediately start that inner dialogue with yourself. "Wait a second. I'm not going to give in to this. I'll probably feel tired every day. Working out will make me feel better, and then tomorrow it will be that much easier to go back to the gym." Guess what? You just created your own motivation.

Motivation changes as our lives change. You might start off a work-out program with the motivation of losing 10 pounds. After you are in the habit, you may meet new friends that are active in sports and ask you to join them. Suddenly, your motivation is to become a kick-butt soccer player, or a fantastic tennis player. Maybe you just had a baby and you begin being motivated by thoughts of getting that "body back" but after a few weeks, you are motivated by running. You decide to participate in marathons and THAT becomes your new motivation.

You can also enhance your motivation by surrounding yourself with motivational people. Let me tell you, when I'm down, I reach out to my friends and they pull me out of the blues QUICKLY! I have a friend I met in a forum about 10 years ago and we stay in touch via text. I have fitness friends on Facebook and Twitter and in the blogosphere. They are such a blessing and we keep each other excited and motivated and accountable. If you can connect with like-minded, high energy people that have the same goals in mind, that will definitely help you succeed.

I hope you can see that motivation truly is a choice. It is not something you can buy online for $19.99 that will ensure you can lose 20lbs in 2 weeks. Motivation is your inner voice and you alone can channel how effectively it will help you reach your goals. Motivation is not how you FEEL. Motivation is the attitude you choose to cultivate day in and day out.

A favorite adage of mine is, "A Garden is Never Finished." Think about that and apply it to motivation. When it comes to getting healthy and working out, motivation is like a garden that needs to be tended. If you focus your attitude in the right way and take control of creating that motivation you WILL succeed.

I would love to hear from you. Feel free to email me at: or find me on Twitter @kellyolexa.

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