Help me think positive today

September 24, 2007

FrustratedIt's Monday again. It's hard to keep a positive attitude when the alarm forgets to go off (that darn forgetful alarm clock), the expressway is backed up all the way to your driveway, and you spill coffee on yourself trying to turn the car around and take a different route to work.

Some days it seems like life is out to get you. These are the days that it's most important to stay positive. Dealing with all the stupid little things in life without going crazy is 80% of the battle.

So help me stay positive. Tell me how you overcame obstacles in your life recently. Something as little as not burning your toast this morning to big victories like winning a new client over or resolving a major conflict at your business.

Tell me about it, and help me stay positive the rest of the week. Either post a comment below or use our contact form.

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