Getting lost can lead to big discoveries

October 8, 2007

Sail BoatToday is Columbus Day. We all know the story. Columbus was trying to find an alternate route to India. Instead he got credit for one of the biggest discoveries ever (even if he wasn't the first one to find it).

Going off into the unknown and getting lost takes you out of the box. The best way to come up with new ideas, and get out of a rut is to take yourself out of your normal context. Get up and walk around. Experience something new. You won't put things in perspective until you can view what's happening from a third-party's point of view.

Forget what's easy, what's routine, what's comfortable. The road to change, the road to success even, doesn't always go in one direction. It's twisty, and steep, and you may fall down along the way, but it's better to have a hard time on the road to success, than to have an easy journey down to road to mediocrity.

Take a risk today, and get lost. You never know if you might find what you were looking for all along.

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