Mondays with Mac: The Key to Managing your Attitude...

February 15, 2010

On Friday, the 2010 Vancouver Olympics began. Every two years, I'm thoroughly impressed with the devotion, skill, and mental attitude of the athletes! I find the women and men to be an inspiration to all of us, in athletics and life. So, I'm devoting this week to exercise, and the improvement it can make in your life!

Here's a story that I've told before, but is so relevant to this week:

My attitude and my energy levels are directly tied to exercise. I can be doing everything else right, but without regular exercise I can feel my attitude "heading south". I've got a friend who is 65 but looks like he's 55. I saw him the other day and said, "Tony, you look great."

He said, "I feel great! I got a second job." I said, "A second job? I thought your import business was doing well." He said, "It is. My second job is on the treadmill from 6-7 every morning. When I started looking at it as a second job, I showed up whether I wanted to or not!" He said, "The pay is lousy, but the benefits to my health and my attitude are priceless!"

Exercise, more than anything, is a "stress buster". And, don't kid yourself, stress is a killer. In fact, the World Health Organization estimates that 80% of all illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by stress. Therefore, if you're not proactive in busting stress, it's very likely to come back and bust you!


-Mac Anderson

How do you use exercise in your everyday life? What's the best workout for you? What advice do you give to others at the gym?

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