Learn more about Revolutionize Teamwork

Q&A with author Eric Coryell

Question 1:
Why did you choose this topic to write about?

Helping people create, lead and be part of accountable teams is my passion. I had the wonderful opportunity to work on three different extraordinary teams in the workplace and I found that going to work was so much more meaningful and rewarding when I was part of those teams compared to the days I was part of a non-functioning team.

Question 2:
What are the top 3 takeaways you want your audience to learn from this book?


1) Understand what differentiates a non-functional team from a functional one and then what separates an accountable team from those two.  

2) Learn what needs to be done to help their teams become accountable both from a process and a behavioral perspective.

3) Address some of the challenges that might happen along the way and help them overcome those challenges and their own anxieties during this process.

Question 3:
What inspires you?

Helping other people be more accountable and create accountable environments in the working world. I think most organizations create parent/child relationships and don't create cultures that foster adulthood.

Question 4:
What are your hopes for the book?

With a short amount of time invested in reading it they will gain the knowledge to help the create and lead (or be a part of) accountable teams.

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