The Happiness Hack Paperback

How to Take Charge of Your Brain and Program More Happiness into Your Life

Published: April 2019
ISBN: 9781492679516

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The Happiness Hack in the media:
Ellen Petry Leanse on the TODAY show with Megyn Kelly
Look Deep Within for Essential Tech Skills -
How to crack the skills dilemma - MIT Technology Review
Brainset, Mindset, and Skillset with Ellen Petry Leanse - The Action Catalyst Podcast
Chief People Officer at Lucidworks: Integrating science, wisdom and spirit to hack happiness and lead effectively - The Purpose at Work Podcast
The 12 Best Productivity Books of 2017 - Evernote

Ellen Petry Leanse on Evernote Facebook Live
Happiness - Secular Buddhism Podcast

Three Things You Need to Know About the Brain to Build Great Teams -
Why Does Distraction Feel So Good? by Grace Ballard
How to Build a happier Brain by Mastering Your Use of Technology - Vibrant Happy Women Podcast
Ellen Petry Leanse on

Now Available!

Are you feeling overwhelmed or disconnected from things that once mattered to you? As we rely more and more on technology, it’s the devices meant to simplify our lives that often cause us the most stress. For years, author Ellen Petry Leanse worked with titans like Apple, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft. As she watched innovations create new habits in tech, she also noticed a dramatic rise in stress. But what if our habits can instead be hacked for happiness?

In this refreshing, practical book, you’ll learn ways to reclaim some of the calm and focus that’s slipping away from many of us. You’ll gain new insights that bring you more connectedness, help you manage your tech habits, reduce stress and give you new ways of increasing happiness—all by your own design. Read positive quotes for motivation, inspiration, and success from The Happiness Hack, here. Want to channel your happiness into living a life that matters? Try Every Monday Matters!

Watch author Ellen Petry Leanse share with Megyn Kelly on the TODAY Show how technology negatively impacts our happiness and why she hopes The Happiness Hack will change the way people interact with technology. Click here to watch!

Read a FREE excerpt from The Happiness Hack.

Inspirational Messages

Quotes from The Happiness Hack:

“Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of traveling.”

“Take a second. Think whatever you want. It's your brain. Make yourself at home in it.”

“What many of us mistake for depression is actually a need to be understood, or to see desires come to fruition.”

“Mastering your mind is about…clearing away the noise and working with your brain to move through challenges and resistence.”

“Knowing why you're doing something is a big step toward deciding what you want to do and how.”

“See [resistance] for what it is: not a dead end, but a roadblock you can get around.”

Product Details

  • Paperback
  • Case Count: 60
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