Ask, and Ye Just Might Receive

June 14, 2017
Ask, and Ye Just Might Receive

"Ask, and Ye Just Might Receive"
from The Big Bucket List Book
by Gin Sander

Why do some people lead such interesting lives and have such amazing experiences, while others just lead sort of bland and humdrum lives? Could be that the people in the first group have learned the art of the ask. It seems like such a simple thing, really, but it can be quite intimidating to think about. At a famed restaurant that everyone is talking about, why not ask the waiter if you can go back into the kitchen and meet the chef? The answer may be no, and there is no shame in that. But if the answer is yes, think of the extraordinary opportunity that just fell into your lap! A behind-the-scenes look at the world of an artist.

So think about it…who do you want to meet? Go ahead and try to make it happen. Make blind phone calls, send out inquiring letters and emails, see if you can get in touch with someone you find fascinating. What do you want to know? Never be afraid to call on experts or skilled amateurs. They love to talk about their passions. Where do you want to go? Always ask for help in getting behind the scenes. What is behind that door marked Off Limits anyway? Ask the guide and they just might be in the mood to show you. Take charge of building your own interesting life by speaking up and asking for something unusual.

Okay. Ready to work on your bucket list? Let's get started at amping up your life of adventure! Take a look at these ideas and see how many spark your fancy. And most of all, have fun.

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